Ethereum vs. Cardano

the ultimate energy consumption breakdown

We want to analyze Cardano’s and Ethereum’s yearly energy consumption, so that you can make an informed decision about which blockchain you want to support and how your activity impacts the environment. First we will analyze the yearly and single transaction energy consumption of Ethereum.

A single transaction on Ethereum


Yearly ETH Consumption/Yearly Household Consumption

= 7,211,157

average households per year

As Ethereum uses a proof of work algorithm to execute its transactions, it requires enormous amounts of energy to execute a single transaction, which has accumulated to energy consumption of countries like Bangladesh, a top 40 consumer on a yearly basis.

It doesn't have to be this way

Proof-of-Stake solutions are superior when it comes to energy efficiency and allow you to minimize negative impact your blockchain activity has on our environment

Cardano Energy Consumption

*to our best estimates at this time


Cardano Yearly Energy Consumption Formula

TP*RPP*MS + TP*RPP*MS * 10% =

2.7 GWh

Cardano Consumes 28,000 times less energy compared to Ethereum

NFTs are not a synonym for enormous energy consumption. That’s not the impact Artano will have on the environment.

We are an NFT marketplace built on Cardano, a third generation energy efficient blockchain. This allows you to share your creativity with the world, make a living and support others through a sustainable alternative!